Stewart Maclachlan Macrae Chart
Isabel Frances Moncrieff Stewart
Thomas Maclachlan Stewart
Robert Buchanan Stewart
Robertson Buchanan Stewart

Doctor Thomas Maclachlan
Captain Thomas Maclachlan
Stewarts of Appin or Bute

The Stewart, Maclachlan, MacRae Ancestors of Thomas Maclachlan Stewart (1859-1933)

The following chart shows the ancestors for Thomas Maclachlan Stewart, starting from, on the right his parents, Robert Buchanan Stewart and Isabella Kennedy Maclachlan. Thomas Maclachlan Stewart's siblings can be viewed on the recent generations page, and more information about him specifically can be found here.

As can be seen, most of his ancestors were either from Bute, or in the case of his Maclachlan and Kennedy ancestors, Ayrshire (prior to moving to Bute). I found some possible IGI/LDs matches for his MacRae ancestors which suggest that they might have originally come from Ayrshire too, and also Renfrewshire (I thnk that's where Port Glasgow was). There is a tradition in the family that the Stewarts were descended from the Stewarts of Appin, but all my researches show that they were Bute Stewarts.

There is an added complexity in this chart because Robertson Buchanan Stewart and his wife Martha Stewart were both descended from Robert Stewart and Janet McConachy. This slightly distorts the layout.

The original data was based on writings by and leads from my great aunt Jean Hester Fellowes Stewart (Mrs Walker) which have been verified with various searches - such as IGI / LDS, birth and marriage certificates, other peoples' ancestral researches etc. I have also received other material from cousins Joanna Thomas and Malcolm Beattie.





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