The Lang, Stirling, Kennedy, Young ancestors of Helena Mary Lang


Lang Family

Almost certainly the Lang Family. Click on image to enlarge.

Helena Mary Lang's ancestors lived mainly in the area north of the River Clyde, south of the Campsie Fells and Loch Lomond, including Glasgow. The Langs were largely an East Dunbartonshire / Stirlingshire and Glasgow family, the Kennedy side were more from West Dunbartonshire, Renfrewshire and Glasgow. Interestingly a neigbour when I was living in Portree was from the Kilsyth area where the Langs, Hamiltons and Stirlings seemed to originate and said that the surnames were very familiar to her.

John Lang and Janet Stuart Kennedy

Almost certainly John Lang and Janet Stuart Kennedy. Click on image to enlarge.

Helena Mary Lang's siblings can be viewed on the recent generations chart. The The Lang chart shows her ancestors. For details about herself specifcally, see here.

I have managed to obtain a large set of high quality digital scans of a photo album of the Langs. If anyone can assist with identification I would very much appreciate it.

I am fairly certain that the two pictures on this page are of John Lang and Janet Stuart Kennedy, Helena Mary Lang's parents.

I have not had time to compress the images yet. So before clicking on the link below to see them, make sure you have other applications and browser windows closed and give the pictures plenty of time to load - they will use up a lot of system resources on your PC. You will also need broadband - if not you may have to be very patient!

To see the full album Start here and follow the NEXT links at the foot of each page.





Lang Stirling Kennedy Young Chart
Helena Mary Lang
John Lang
James Lang

Janet Stuart Kennedy
Thomas Kennedy
William Young
Captain William Young

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Broun, Brown - Wyld Ancestry pages
Broun, Brown - Wyld Ancestry pages
Stewart Ancestry pages
Stewart Ancestry pages
Stewart Ancestry pages
Lang Ancestry pages
Lang Ancestry pages
Lang Ancestry pages
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