Janet Stuart Kennedy (married surname: Lang) (1830 - 1908)
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Janet Stuart Lang in 1896. This may well be Janet Stuart Kennedy.

Janet Stuart Lang in 1896. Click on image to enlarge.

I am told that, unlike her husband, she was a MOST unpleasant woman. Well, it would be interesting to hear of some more complimentary accounts of a person who may have been difficult to some. Apart from the information shown on the Lang chart, this is all that is known about her. Any further information gratefully received! There is a photograph of a Janet Stuart Lang (almost certainly her) taken in 1896 with Jean Stuart Lang (a granddaughter probably).


Janet Stuart Kennedy with Alexander Lang

Janet Kennedy with Alexander Lang. Click on image to enlarge.

Janet Stuart Kennedy

Janet Stuart Kennedy. Click on image to enlarge.

Janet Stuart Kennedy with sisters

Janet Stuart Kennedy with sisters. Click on image to enlarge.

The picture below may or may not be of Janet Stuart Kennedy.

Janet Stuart Kennedy

Possibly Janet Stuart Kennedy. Click on image to enlarge.

The pictures below are probably of her mother Christina McCorkle Young, taken around 1860.

Christina McCorkle Young

Possibly Christina McCorkle Young. Click on image to enlarge.

Christina McCorkle Young

Possibly Christina McCorkle Young. Click on image to enlarge.

Christina McCorkle Young

Possibly Christina McCorkle Young. Click on image to enlarge.

Christina McCorkle Young

Possibly Christina McCorkle Young. Click on image to enlarge.





Lang Stirling Kennedy Young Chart
Helena Mary Lang
John Lang
James Lang

Janet Stuart Kennedy
Thomas Kennedy
William Young
Captain William Young

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