Isabella Wyld Brown (1846 - 1927)

Isabella Wyld Brown married Colonel Edward Donald Malcolm of Poltalloch (1837 - 1930). She was the daughter of John Wyld Brown (1808 - 1879) and Mary Mackellar (1816-1879). Please also see the Brown genealogy chart for this family of Mackellars and Browns. The recent generations chart shows her siblings.

The picture shows her in 1908. It is taken from a larger family group photograph which can be obtained via the Malcolm Society photo gallery. I am grateful for their permission to use this picture on my site.

Isabella Wyld Brown / Malcolm in 1908

The children of Edward Donald Malcolm and Isabella Wyld Brown were as follows:

For more in-depth information about the descendents of Edward Donald Malcolm, and about the Malcolms in general.





Supplementary Pages - Cousins

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