Broun / Brown Wyld Chart
Claud Leonard Broun
Claud Brown
John Wyld Brown
Robert Brown
Jean Cuthel
Duncan Mackellar
Marion Janet Wyld
George Wyld
James Wyld

John Wyld
Wyld surname
Mary Emily Kennedy
John Kennedy (snr)
Benjamin Kennedy
James Stodart
Robert Stodart
Marion Stodart
Stodart surname
Claud Leonard Broun's writings

George Wyld, M.D. (1821 - 1906)

The following information comes from my grandfather's (Claud Leonard Broun) writings:

"My mother's father, George Wyld, born in 1821, also came of an old Scottish stock - in fact the Wylds claimed descent from Merlin! My great-great-grandfather [john Wyld] was in business at Penicuik; his son James married Marion Stodart, of a Lanarkshire family; her mother was Marion Haig of Bemerayde [actually Alison Turnbull; Robert Stodart's mother was Marion Haig] - James bought Gilston in Fife, and there his large family was brought up.

"My grandfather graduated M.D. at Edinburgh and then went to London, where he built up a flourishing practice, though somewhat spoilt by his adherence to spiritualism and to homoeopathy. He was one of the first volunteers in the London Scottish, of which his red beard and six foot stature must have made him a striking feature.

"In London he made the acquaintance of a family of Scottish extraction, but domiciled for a century in England - the Kennedys. It was this family with which my grandfather became friendly, and he eventually married Mary Emily Kennedy, born in 1829.

"In religion, my forbears had all, so far back as I know of them, been adherents of Presbyterianism, except the Kennedys who were Unitarians. In 1843 ( the Disruption ) the Wylds had become enthusiastic Free-Kirkers; my great-aunt Augusta used to describe to me how she and other members of the family had accompanied the disrupting ministers from the Assembly in St Andrew's, George Street, down the hill to the hall in Canon-mills where they organised their schism from the Established Kirk. The result of migration to London however was that my grandparents ultimately conformed to the Church of England."

And from an earlier set of writings:

"Next year he [my father Claud Brown] married his cousin, Marion Wyld. My father's grandfather, George (Robert: ed) Broun, had married Amelia (Isabella: ed) Wyld. According to a tradition the Wylds were descended from Merlin! In the 18th century this particular family appears at Penicuik; James, Amelia's brother, bought a house in Fife, and became James Wyld of Gilston. He married Marion Stodart, whose mother was Marion Haig of Bemerside (Alison Turnbull: ed). They had 15 children. Robert, the eldest, was a philosopher and at one time Provost of South Queensferry. William was a soldier in the Indian Army, and fought in the Sikh war and in the Mutiny.

"George, my grandfather, was M.D. of Edinburgh, but he migrated to London; there he nearly spoilt an excellent practice by taking up Spiritualism and Homoeopathy. He was also one of the first recruits of the London Scottish. He was over 6 foot and had a bushy beard, originally red; his nickname among the boys of Edinburgh was Carrotyheid.

"In London he met at church a family as large as his own named Kennedy..."

George Wyld

George Wyld's involvement with spiritualism is well-documented on the web. You can read more about his time as President of the Theosophical Society and his subsequent rift with Madam Blavatsky, and some of his writings. Simply enter "George Wyld" (with the quotes) in a search engine such as Google and you will find numerous references.

The 1861 census shows him residing at 12 Great Cumberland Street, St Marylebone, London with his wife, Emily, his first two daughters, Marion and Maud, and his first son, George, plus some servants and a lodger.

For more information on the Wyld Family see the website of Tanya Trayner.





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